At an event on September 5, President Biden announced that Wolverine and 15 other cooperatives will receive New ERA grants. The Empowering Rural America (New ERA) program helps rural Americans transition to clean, affordable, and reliable energy.

“The Inflation Reduction Act makes the largest investment in rural electrification since FDR and the New Deal in the 1930s,” said John Podesta, Senior Advisor to the President for International Climate Policy. “Today’s awards will bring clean, affordable, reliable power to rural Americans all across our nation.”

For Wolverine, the grant will be instrumental in our efforts to balance decarbonization with affordability and reliability. Once the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant successfully reopens, this funding will help keep the carbon-free power generated by Palisades affordable for nearly 300,000 homes and businesses in rural Michigan.

As a non-profit wholesale electric supplier, Wolverine will pass 100% of the grant funds directly through to the homes and businesses served by our member electric cooperatives. This means every dollar will go straight to the communities we serve, helping to reduce wholesale power costs and keep electricity reliable and affordable.

You can read the full White House press release and view the recipients HERE.